First of all, there are ones believe they can not control what happens to them in life, and that one's purpose will find them no matter what. These ones seem at peace with themselves and feel that they are right where they need to be. To let destiny decide who you become, and know that its not up to you. Even if you try, destiny will find its way.
"Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans."
-John Lennon
"You often meet your destiny on the road you've taken to avoid it."
Life is like a library owned by the author. In it are a few books which he wrote himself, but most of them were written for him.- Harry Emerson Fosdick
Secondly, there are those who believe one has the opportunity to push harder and make their dreams happen. Those crazy geniuses out there that know they can't control the way things fall into place but are always trying harder know that their efforts always make a difference and that persistence gives a greater chance of getting what you hope for.
"Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved."
-Jeremy Kitson
"Success doesn't come to you, you go to it."
-Marva Collins
"We can't change the wind, but we can adjust the sails."
I think that we all have dreams and desires within us that are difficult to achieve but possible if we give it all we have, and then some. Even as a young child I felt that it makes a difference to try. I always believed that I or my parents could get what we deserved if we tried everything and that I should never just settle for the way things played out. That is one of the childlike traits that I am glad I never let go of.
The Bible tells us that "We may toss the dice, but the Lord determines how they fall."
So my question for you is how do you see it?
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